INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Belize – GSAI Phase 1 Peer Support Project 2023-2025

The Office of the Auditor General of Belize and The Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India are partners in a peer-to-peer support development project within the Global SAI Accountability Initiative (GSAI), funded by the European Union and managed by IDI.

The two-year project intends to support SAI Belize in its strategic development priorities, such as improved quality and digitalisation of audit processes, digitalisation of HR processes, SAI Independence and legal framework and improved stakeholder engagement.

The Office of the Auditor General of Belize (SAI Belize) has a crucial role in promoting and ensuring good governance in Belize. Its mandate is stated in the Finance and Audit Reform Act, 2020. SAI Belize is responsible for auditing all the government institutions and deliver an audit report to the National Assembly annually. Its mission is to promote, through independent assurance, effective management of public assets to achieve sustainability in line with the Country’s Sustainable Development Goals.

SAI Belize has joined the Global SAI Accountability Initiative (GSAI). This initiative was launched in 2022 by the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation in its efforts to scale up support to SAIs in developing countries working in challenging environments. The support is expected to empower the SAI to take forward its own capacity development and reach a new level of sustained capacities and performance.

Worldwide experiences of SAI capacity development show that peer-to-peer cooperation can be effective as colleagues have a trusting relationship and can provide relevant advice and training based on similar experiences and challenges. The INTOSAI community has a rich set of guidelines and experiences that can be utilised for capacity development. The Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (SAI India) values international cooperation and intends to serve the global audit community with its strengths.

In this case, SAI India has kindly committed to support SAI Belize in the overall objective of achieving its strategic goals of stronger independence, institutional development through strengthened audit processes, digitalisation and stakeholder engagement through well-coordinated GSAI peer and donor support.

The project has five components:

1.       Improved quality and digitalisation of audit processes and audit related records

2.       Digitalisation of selected SAI HR processes

3.       SAI Independence and Legal Framework

4.       Improved Stakeholder engagement

5.       Project management, donor coordination and support mobilisation

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Key facts

Period: December 2023 to December 2025


·       Improved quality and digitalization of audit processes and audit related records

·       Digitalization of selected SAI HR processes

·       SAI Independence and Legal Framework

·       Improved Stakeholder engagement

·       Project management, donor coordination and support mobilization

Partners: The Office of the Auditor General of Belize, The Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, and INTOSAI Development Initiative.

Budget and funding: 100 000 USD for project activities funded by EU. Salary costs of SAI Belize and SAI India are covered as in-kind.

More about GSAI

Project Resources


Success Stories


Success Story: Strengthening SAI Belize through Peer-to-Peer Collaboration with SAI India


Contact person SAI Belize: Ms. Maria Rodriguez, Deputy Auditor General

Contact person SAI India: Dr. Gaurav Kumar, Director (IR-II)

Contact person IDI:
Marcela Hommefoss, Manager Global Foundations

Muhammad Wahyudi, Manager Bilateral Support  
