INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Auditing the SDGs

Auditing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Recognizing the importance of this agenda in making a difference in the lives of citizens, INTOSAI included SDGs as cross cutting priority 2 in its Strategic Plan 2017- 2022, calling upon member SAIs to contribute to the follow-up and review of the SDGs within the context of each nation’s specific sustainable development efforts and SAIs’ individual mandates.

As a contribution to INTOSAI and SAI efforts, the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) launched the ‘Auditing SDGs’ initiative to support SAIs in conducting high quality audits of SDGs. As a part of this initiative 73 SAIs and one sub national audit office in Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Europe, Latin America and the Pacific conducted performance audits of preparedness for the implementation of SDGs.

IDI consultations with SAIs & stakeholders and the Moscow Declaration at the recently concluded INTOSAI Congress indicate a continuing interest and will amongst SAIs to contribute to follow up and review of implementation of SDGs. Based on these developments and as per the commitment made in IDI’s Strategic Plan 2019-2023, IDI will continue to support SAIs in conducting high quality audits of implementation of SDGs as per their national priorities.

Auditor Initiative (coming soon)


IDI's SDGs Audit Model (ISAM) 2024
