About IDI
Our Cross-Cutting Priorities
Our Results
Meet the IDI Board
IDI's Board is composed of ten members from different supreme audit institutions. Get to know them better in our "Meet the Board" series.
IDI would not be able to achieve its mission of supporting SAIs in developing countries to sustainably enhance their performance and capacities without the support of its partners. Partners are involved in all aspects of IDI’s work, and crucially provide the financial and in-kind resources that make all of IDI’s efforts possible. IDI wishes to express its appreciation for the ongoing support of all its partners. IDI’s partners are as follows:
We receive funding from different sources, including the International Donor Community of Development Partners and SAIs. Our financial partners hold IDI accountable by scrutinising IDI’s reports and evaluations. This helps ensuring that IDI is spending funding and communicating results achieved effectively. IDI is core-funded by the following partners:
Earmarked funding for specific work streams and capacity development initiatives:
IDI is the main implementing body of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and works in close cooperation with other INTOSAI organs or bodies and the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) community. The INTOSAI bodies include:
In addition, we cooperate with working groups and Task Forces in INTOSAI. INTOSAI bodies and SAIs support IDI’s work through in-kind contributions, including providing subject matter experts to strengthen the capacity and performance of SAIs, hosting IDI events, translating and printing IDI products, and seconding staff to IDI. In-kind contributions are a critical success factor for IDI's work.
We also work in close cooperation with the different regional SAI organisations; AFROSAI, AFROSAI-E, ARABOSAI, ASOSAI, CAROSAI, CREFIAF, EUROSAI, OLACEFS and PASAI. The regions are important for IDI as they are better situated to monitor the development of and the needs of the SAIs in their regions.
We also collaborate with a number of different UN organisations, civil society, professional accountancy bodies, and academia.
To learn more about IDI’s partners for specific projects over the years, read IDI’s annual Operational Plan and Report.