INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Welcome banner for the pICTure initiative at IDI

What is the objective of pICTure?

We are witnessing accelerated technological advancements and the potential of technology to transform organizations and societies. With these developments ICT governance has gained prominence as a key and integral part.

Through its pICTure initiative, IDI aspires to support SAIs in strengthening their ICT governance. This can be seen as the processes that ensure the effective and efficient use of ICT in enabling an organization to achieve its goals. Which includes strategic direction, prioritization and overseeing as well as ensuring that the IT organization operates in an effective and compliant fashion.

To strengthen such processes will support SAIs to better utilize technology for the benefit of internal and external stakeholders and is seen as a key enabler for successful digital transformation.

What is the scope of pICTure?

1. Planning and monitoring

A focal area is to support SAIs in setting the strategic direction on ICT and develop aligned action plans considering its available resources and desired maturity. This will be done based on key information sources such as an assessment of the SAIs current ICT maturity and identification of other internal and external influences. An integral part is to develop a system to monitor whether the intended value of digitalization is achieved.

It is important to ensure that the technology component supports the SAI’s overall strategic plan.

2. Leading digital change

Technological advancements are putting additional demands on SAI leaders. This component therefore targets SAI senior and middle management and will bring in relevant topics to enhance knowledge and perspectives and support decision-making.

3. Information security

With technological advancements comes attached security risks. This component will support the SAIs in strengthening their information security posture with necessary policies, guidelines, and relevant control implementation.

4. Managing the process of acquiring digital tools and services

Many ICT initiatives will include an aspect of acquiring digital tools and services. This component aims at supporting SAIs in managing this process considering three possible routes: off-the-shelf procurement, vendor development and in-house development.

The pICTure portfolio outlined above address some of the findings from the 2023 global stocktaking report. The report provides us with a glimpse of the current state of affairs for SAIs. The report demonstrates that:

  • Only half of the SAIs have a digitalization strategy.

  • Only half of the SAIs have a budget for ICT and digitalisation investments.

  • Only 41 % of SAIs have a plan for enhancing digital competency.

  • Indication that 1/3 SAIs don’t have designated staff to address ICT issues.

  • Only 31 % of SAIs have defined the intended benefits of digitalization and monitor this.

How is IDI rolling out pICTure?

The initiative will be rolled out globally. Some resources such as guidance and training materials will be published.

IDI is dependent on the support from and is working closely with resource persons and experts. IDI is very happy that several excellent experts have chosen to work with us in rolling out the initiative.

pICTure Team

Irina Sprenglewski
Irina SprenglewskiSenior Manager
SAI Governance Department

Tanvir Hasan
Tanvir HasanManager
SAI Governance Department

Jianhua Qian
Jianhua QianSenior Coordinator
SAI Governance Department