INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions


SAI Leaders articulate their vision for sustainable performance audit practices in the Asia-Pacific region

SAI Leaders from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Mongolia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines met on June 3-4 at the IDI-ADB SAI Leadership Forum in Manila to articulate their vision of sustainable performance audit practices.

SAI PMF Advanced Workshop conducted for SAIs in the ASOSAI Region

The IDI conducted a SAI PMF Advanced Workshop for SAIs in the ASOSAI region in Manila in June, aiming to enhance regional participation and capacity in line with the SAI PMF Implementation Strategy 2023-28

Chess pieces

MASTERY - Masterclass on Inclusive Leadership

The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and the State Audit Institution of Oman hosted a compelling Masterclass on Inclusive Leadership from May 27 to 29 in Muscat. 

Logo International Auditor Fellowship Program

International Auditor Fellowship Program

The US GAO is accepting nominations for their International Auditor Fellowship Program. Deadline: 2 September 2024

Developing Sustainable and Inclusive SAI HRM Practices: IDI Responds to French-Speaking African SAIs' Needs Through TOGETHER Initiative

After a successful pilot implementation in the English-speaking regions of INTOSAI in 2022 and 2023, the IDI has responded to a call for support from SAIs in French-speaking Sub-Saharan Africa seeking assistance in establishing sustainable human resources management (HRM) as part of the TOGETHER Initiative.

SAI Independence at risk!

Supreme Audit Institutions' (SAIs) independence is crucial for transparent governance. 

Strategic and Annual Audit Planning for Sustainable Performance Audit Practices in Asia-Pacific Region

IDI-ADB Workshop delivers strategic roadmap for Sustainable Performance Auditing in Asia-Pacific Region

Strengthening Accountability: SAI of Lebanon entered into a partnership with SAI of France and IDI

Congratulations to the SAI of Lebanon who entered in 2024 into a partnership with the SAI of France and IDI as part of the Global SAI Accountability Initiative (GSAI)!


Sustainable performance audit practices gain momentum in Asia-Pacific Region

Together, we are shaping a future of accountable, inclusive, and effective governance!

Image of the cover page of the report

INTOSAI Global SAI Stocktaking Report 2023 is available now

The Global SAI Stocktaking Report 2023 is available now 

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INTOSAI and IDI helping SAIS to contribute to a healthy accountability ecosystem

IDI's Director General Einar Gørrissen discusses accountability and transparency in the ECA Journal

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State Audit Office of Latvia signs new agreement with IDI to support Supreme Audit Institutions in developing countries

The State Audit Office (SAO) of the Republic of Latvia reaffirmed its commitment to helping SAIs