INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions


3i COVID-19 Response Actions

Almost all nations in the world face an unprecedented crisis due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, leading to complete or partial lockdowns in many countries. The effectiveness, accountability and inclusiveness of government response to the COVID-19 crisis is crucial. SAIs have a critical role to play in providing oversight to ensure that government actions are transparent, accountable and leave no one behind.

IDI has launched 3i COVID-19 Response Actions page to provide a platform for online guidance, interaction and support to SAIs in conducting financial, performance and compliance audits in COVID-19 times. Over the coming weeks, we plan to publish more documents, start an online work space, host webinars and other online interactions. We hope you find this useful.

Stay Safe. Stay Relevant!


Deciding on SAI Financial Audits
in COVID-19 times

Auditing Compliance during COVID-19 Crisis:
A SAI Perspective

Performance Auditing during COVID-19 crisis:
A SAI Perspective