INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Tajikistan - GSAI Phase 1 Peer Support Project 2023-2025


The Chamber of Accounts of the Republic of Tajikistan (CART) and the Chamber of Accounts of the Republic of Azerbaijan have formed a peer collaboration through the Global SAI Accountability Initiative (GSAI). The GSAI is funded by the European Union (EU) and managed by IDI with technical support from the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA). This involves peer-based support in strategic management and technical support from CIPFA for financial, compliance and performance audit methodology, quality management and digitalisation. Support on stakeholder engagement is provided through SPMR ACT implemented by IDI and funded by SECO.

The CART is crucial in promoting and ensuring good governance in the Republic of Tajikistan. It is responsible for auditing the government budget execution and accounts and the effectiveness and efficiency of government programmes. The CART submits its Annual Report to the President of Tajikistan and Majlisi Namoyandagoni Majlisi Oli (Assembly of Representative, Parliament) of Tajikistan.

The CART has joined the GSAI (GSAI website). The initiative was launched in 2022 by the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation as part of its broad work to promote support, independence, performance and benefits of SAIs in developing countries. The initiative is expected to empower the SAI to take forward its own capacity development and reach a new and improved level of sustained capacities and performance.

The project's overall objective is to strengthen the CART's capacity, thereby improving accountability and transparency in the management of public resources in the Republic of Tajikistan through improved audit quality, effective strategic management, digitalisation of the audit processes and strengthened stakeholder engagements.

The project has five components:

  1. Audit methodology, quality and reporting

  2. Strategic management

  3. Audit digitalisation

  4. Stakeholder engagement and communication

  5. Project management, coordination and support mobilisation

The memorandum of cooperation lays out expected results, resources, responsibilities and governance of the project.

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Mr. Chillazoda Qarakhon, Chairman of the Chamber of Accounts of the Republic of Tajikistan

“We expect that the joint and successful implementation of the project will contribute to the establishment of a strong and effective Supreme Audit Institution, a more active participation of our organization in the international community and an improvement in the level of well-being of the population of our country.”

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Mr. Vugar Gulmammadov, Chairman of the Chamber of Accounts of the Republic of Azerbaijan

“SAI Azerbaijan is happy to provide peer support to SAI Tajikistan in strategic management as part of GSAI project and believes that this partnership will bring positive results for the cooperation and development of both SAI Tajikistan and SAI Azerbaijan.”

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Key facts

Period: December 2023 to December 2025


·       Audit methodology, quality and reporting

·       Strategic management

·       Audit digitalisation

·       Stakeholder engagement and communication

·       Project management, coordination and support mobilisation

Partners: Chamber of Accounts of the Republic of Tajikistan, Chamber of Accounts of the Republic of Azerbaijan, CIPFA, INTOSAI Development Initiative.

Budget and funding: 120 000 USD for project activities. Funding by EU- (USD 100,000) and SECO SPMR ACT (USD 20,000) through IDI. Salary costs of Chamber of Accounts of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CARA) are covered as in-kind.

More about GSAI

Project Resources


Success Stories


Accounts Chamber of the Republic of Tajikistan: Advancing Milestones within the GSAI Project


Developing confidence as well as auditing practices: how SAI Tajikistan moved into the driving seat in their GSAI development experience


Contact person CART: Ms. Veronika Makhmudova, Head of International Relations sector,

Contact person CARA: Gulnar Hajiyeva, Deputy head of state budget and strategic analysis,

Contact person CIPFA: Sara Breen, Head of International,

Contact person IDI: Nazgul Albanova, Bilateral Support Manager,  
