About IDI
Our Cross-Cutting Priorities
Our Results
Meet the IDI Board
IDI's Board is composed of ten members from different supreme audit institutions. Get to know them better in our "Meet the Board" series.
IDI has taken the first steps in implementing its Strategic Plan 2024-29 by setting out detailed plans and budgets for 2024. The plan seeks to provide SAIs with more stable and predictable support, contributing to three strategic priorities: sustainability, digitalisation, and public trust in SAIs. It includes a gender and inclusion lens and a comprehensive results framework, which sets targets based on measures of changes in SAI performance following IDI support.
The Operational Plan begins the implementation of the new IDI Strategic Plan, developed over the past two years with extensive input from the SAI community and partners. Its sets out how IDI’s six work streams – independent, well-governed, professional and relevant SAIs, bilateral support and global foundations – work together for sustainability, digitalisation and public trust in SAIs, and how this contributes to IDI’s vision of independent, credible and sustainable SAIs.
2024 highlights include:
The Board also discussed IDI’s resourcing strategy, approved an enhanced IDI approach to the quality management of published IDI documents, and discussed initial findings from the draft 2023 Global SAI Stocktaking Report.
In addition, the Board approved nominations of two new Board members from 1st January 2024: Tom-Christer Nilsen, member of the Norwegian Board of Auditors General, and Merethe Nordling from the Office of the Auditor General of Norway (OAGN). They replace Åse Kristin Hemsen and Kristin Amundsen, both from OAGN, who were praised for their contributions by the Board, having completed their second three-year term as Board members.
Minutes of the Board meeting, and the Operational Plan and Budget 2024, will be published on IDI’s website shortly.