The main goal of the project is to enable the Federal Audit Office of Somalia to implement their strategic plan for 2018-2020, especially in the areas of auditing, internal governance and new legal framework. A combination of technical advice and logistical support is provided. Technical advisors are organized in teams with representatives of IDI and AFROSAI-E, as well as the Supreme Audit Institutions of Botswana, Uganda and Ethiopia.
“We in IDI are grateful to MFA Norway for the grant as it enables us to step up our support and meet the request for support of an ambitious audit office,” says IDI Director General Mr. Einar Gørrissen. “Worldwide experiences of SAI capacity development show that peer-to-peer cooperation is the preferred option for recipient SAIs, and provides a good mechanism for sustainable and long-term capacity development support.”
“The Federal Audit Office of Somalia can play a key role in promoting good governance in Somalia,” says the Norwegian Special Envoy to Somalia, Mr. Vebjørn Heines. “Through their audits, the audit office can show areas for improvement in public financial management and service delivery, and enable the Somali Parliament to hold the government accountable. Our expectation is that the Federal Audit Office will get enhanced capacity and independence in the next years as stated in the Somalia National Development plan for 2017-19.”
For more info about the project, contact Capacity Development Manager This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..