INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Future SAI Audit

Independent SAIs Work Stream

SAI Innovations


IDI's SAI Innovation is a tribute to innovation, experimenting and continuous professional development at both personal and organisational levels. The SAI Innovations' webinars and workshops aim to bring together SAI leadership, SAI audit professionals and innovators from across the INTOSAI Community and multiple stakeholders.

In the current crisis being Flexible, Agile and Resilient are three qualities key for any SAI. Seeking to adopt innovations and finding new solutions is central to an SAI to stay relevant for the benefit of all.

During the "Innovative SAIs going F.A.R." series, we have explored how Supreme Audit Institutions can adopt innovative audit practices to stay relevant, embrace the principle of "leave no one behind" and deliver value and benefits to all. By operating as flexible, agile and resilient institutions, SAIs will be able to go F.A.R.

Our going F.A.R. discussions endeavoured to look at SAI innovations from an institutional and a people perspective, from technological and social perspectives; from the perspective of what is fit for purpose for SAIs with diverse capacities and local contexts.

After starting the SAI Innovations series by framing the overall concept and familiarising ourselves with the innovation theme, in 2021 we continued our SAI Innovations journey with the theme "Innovating for Impact".

In 2022, the SAI Innovations series met the LOTA initiative to discuss the value and applications of Data Analytics in the Financial Audit project with the theme "Getting more from Audit in the Digital Age".

In 2023, the SAI Innovations series met the EFA initiative to discuss equity and inclusion with the theme "Innovating for Inclusion".

In 2024, the SAI Innovations will partner with the CCAA initiative to discuss the climate-related issues under the theme "Innovating for Climate Change".   

The SAI Innovations Interactions


The SAI Innovations interactions comprises both the webinars organised by IDI and Marketplace events organised by our stakeholders.

In the Innovation Marketplace SAIs and stakeholders have the opportunity to share strategies for facilitating innovation, innovative ways of doing things, innovations that they have tried out and the lessons they have learned.

Come and join us in our events of experience sharing, hearing from new ways of doing (innovative) things and discussing new ideas!

Information on the coming SAI Innovations events will be found here. The next round of events is scheduled for 2022. More information will be posted at a later stage.

SAI Innovations Resources


All SAI Innovations events with their respective materials can be found in SAI Innovations Resources.