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Tagged in PAP-APP, Zimbabwe 3839 downloads
This report provides an overview of the work done in supporting SAI Zimbabwe in developing its capapcity under the PAP-APP Programme Phase 1, from May 2018 to May 2020
During the initial Phase 1 period, SAI Zimbabwe developed an Annual Operational Plan for 2020. The plan considered outstanding issues previous reviews and in the strategic plan which was ending in 2020. Based on the Office External Support Plan, the project assisted the SAI in developing a generic funding proposal which will be used in extracting concept notes for specific donors. The PAP-APP funded 3 Managers to attend a Strategic Planning Workshop whose knowledge gained was used in the development of the Operational Plan and will also be vital in the development of new Strategic Plan for 2021-2025. AFROSAI-E carried out a culture and value assessment for the Office. As a result of findings from the assessment, AFROSAI-E will assist the Office in change management. It is noted that the challenging economic environment in Zimbabwe has forced a major setback in all Offices including the Office of Auditor General.
To allow more time to complete the Strategic Planning process, the first phase will be extended for a further 12 months (until May 2021). This will provide time to complete the 2021-25 OAGZ Strategic Plan and enable OAGZ to have scaled-up and long-term support established. This will also include stakeholder and specific donor engagements. The expectation is that this new plan will be the basis of the second phase of the partnership as well as the basis of support from other providers.