INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

SAI Innovations Framing webinar
- Innovating for Climate Action. 20-21 August, 2024

Webinar 20 August 2024

This session had simultaneous interpretation. The languages can be accessed by clicking the settings wheel on the bottom right of the screen. The 4 language versions including the original floor audio will be available.

Webinar 21 August 2024

(English only)

The SAI Innovation Framing Webinar, “Innovating for Climate Action,” was held on 20-21 August 2024. This event was part of IDI’s SAI Innovations Initiative, which focuses on fostering innovation, experimentation, and continuous professional development at both personal and organisational levels. Our webinars aim to bring together SAI leadership, SAI audit professionals, innovators from across the INTOSAI Community, and multiple stakeholders.

This year's theme, "Innovating for Climate Action", delves into innovations in addressing climate change, focusing on government actions and the role of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs).

Speakers (20 August)

Innovations in Government Actions

Innovations in SAIs

Speakers (21 August)

Innovations in Government Actions

Innovations in SAIs