INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Four Covid-19 related audits completed and annual report presented to the media and citizens: Main highlights of the TANTANA 2021 Annual Performance Report

Four Covid-19 related audits completed and annual report presented to the media and citizens: Main highlights of the TANTANA 2021 Annual Performance Report

The first Annual Performance Report (2021) for TANTANA, the capacity development project for the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Madagascar, has been released.

In its first year of implementation, the project has contributed to the following main achievements:

  • Completing 4 Covid-19 related audits. The auditors criticised the weak legal framework and identified instances of control deficiencies, infringement of procurement rules, and misuse of funds.
  • Making the Court of Accounts more open and visible to the citizens. The Annual Report of the Court (the “Rapport Public”), was presented with a new format to the media and to the stakeholders, gaining interest and attention. The Rapport Public stressed deficiencies in budget management and accounting, losses of public income, and several cases of irregularities and suspicions of fraud.

  • Facilitating the work of the auditors and improving the management and sharing of information by delivering ICT equipment and software for 20 staff.

  • Improving the quality of the audits and the compliance with international standards by delivering training, exchanging good practices, and having experienced peers from partner SAIs coaching on audit work.

  • Making 50% of the staff better aware of issues related to gender by a dedicated webinar attended by more than 70 persons.

In 2022, the project will focus on making the Court of Accounts more relevant and visible by:

  • Reinforcing its financial and operative autonomy
  • Supporting priority audit tasks
  • Streamlining the jurisdictional control of the accounts
  • Enhancing the communication and the engagement with stakeholders.

TANTANA is a five-year project funded with 4 million USD by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and supported by the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) in collaboration with the SAIs of France, Morocco and Norway.

outside court de comptes IDI in action Eduardo Madagascar
court des comptes delivering Report Tantana Group Image


bffc98347ee35b3ead06728d6f073c68  To read the TANTANA Annual Performance Report 2021  pdf CLICK HERE(816 KB)