About IDI
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Meet the IDI Board
IDI's Board is composed of ten members from different supreme audit institutions. Get to know them better in our "Meet the Board" series.
This assembly is held once in every three years and is hosted by the incoming Chair of the ASOSAI. It is the venue for all heads of ASOSAI member supreme audit agencies to discuss and decide on major issues, policies to achieve the association’s objectives and further its development. The 14th ASOSAI Assembly was held in Hanoi, Vietnam from 19-22 September 2018. SAI Vietnam took over the Chair from the SAI of Malaysia at this Assembly and will hold office for next three years (2018-2021). Coinciding with the change of Chairmanship of ASOSAI, the SAI of China took over the Office of ASOSAI General Secretariat from the SAI of Korea. SAI Korea served as ASOSAI General Secretariat for last nine years.
There were 41 out of 46 ASOSAI members attending the Assembly. A total of 207 participants, including all delegates and observers, were also in attendance. The IDI has been invited as an observer to the Assembly and was given an opportunity to inform the ASOSAI members on IDI-ASOSAI Capacity Development Cooperation results since the last Assembly. ASOSAI has a pool of 20 Learning Management System (LMS) Administrators, 39 eLearning Specialists, and 32 Blended Learning Specialists created out of this cooperation during the period 2016-2018. The IDI also sensitised the members on new strategic shifts of the IDI gist of the report can be found here.
The Assembly agenda included INTOSAI goal Chair updates. One significant update was the information on approval of historic (first ever) INTOSAI Performance and Accountability report as informed by the Chair of the Policy, Finance and Administration Committee, Dr. Hussam Alangari, President of SAI Saudi Arabia. He informed that this report will be presented to INTOSAI Governing Board meeting in November 2018.
At the Assembly, the members adopted the Hanoi Declaration which consists of two broad recommendations: 1) To promote knowledge sharing and capacity development in ASOSAI community in the field of environmental auditing for sustainable development; and 2) To implement SDGs and address global environmental challenges.
Besides approving several reports at the Assembly, the members elected new Governing Board members (SAIs of Indonesia, Kuwait, Russia, Nepal and Bangladesh) and members of the Audit Committee (SAIs of Kazakhstan and Turkey) who will hold their respective portfolios for a period of next three years.
You can get more insights on the Assembly by visiting http://asosai14.vn/53-2/plenary-sessions.sav.
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