INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions


SDG 3.d draft audit report review meeting held in Tunisia, 15 - 17 November 2022

For countries to build back better from COVID-19 and better manage future public health emergencies, it is imperative to focus on creating more resilient national public health systems. Since 2020, IDI has supported 40 SAIs in conducting performance audits on the implementation of national public health systems resilience linked to the national target for SDG 3.d

Health system resilience can be defined as ability of all actors and functions related to health, to collectively mitigate, prepare, respond and recover from disruptive events with public health implications, while maintaining the provision of essential health services, and using experiences to adapt and transform the system for improvement.1

From 15-17 November, 19 of the SAIs conducting the audit and 16 resource persons (mentors) from the ARABOSAI, ASOSAI, CAROSAI and PASAI regions met in Tunisia to review their draft reports. Having worked together online for almost two years, it was great to finally be able to meet in person. 

Main photo

SAIs from ARABOSAI, ASOSAI, CAROSAI and PASAI met in Tunis. The head of Courts of Account
of Tunisia
, Mr. Nejib Gtari greeted the participants on the first day


The teams got feedback from each other and from the resource persons who have worked with the teams since the start of the audit. 

The meeting also provided an opportunity to share and discuss what each team has learned from the audit and what could be future opportunities for performance audits of other SDG targets or goals. We hope to see the final reports in the coming months. 

IDI would like to thank the ARABOSAI secretariat for providing logistical support to this meeting. 

Want to read more about the SDG 3.d audits? See the IDI article in
INTOSAI Journal and the IDI website

workshop SDGs Advanced File

pdf (4.33 MB)

 For more information about IDI's Auditing the SDGs initiative, please click on the logo. Auditing the Sustainable Development Goals