INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions


Board approves 2023 reports and IDI's Gender and Inclusion Policy and Communications Strategy

IDI’s Board approved the Performance and Accountability Report and the financial statements for 2023, a new communications strategy, including related policies, and a new gender and inclusion policy in a two-day meeting from 19 to 20 March 2024. The President of the General Court of Audit of the Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia kindly hosted the meeting.

The annual Performance and Accountability Report 2023 marked the conclusion of IDI’s strategic plan 2019-2023. During the last five years, IDI not only met most of the targets for each year but, in many cases, exceeded the goals. This would not have been possible without the help of our different stakeholders, including the INTOSAI and SAI community and the various partners and funding sources IDI is working with. The IDI Board reflected on these achievements in its meeting.

In the face of international geopolitical and economic challenges in 2023, IDI stood resolute in its mission to support the capacity development of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and strengthen the transparency and accountability environment across 185 countries. 152 SAI teams participated in long-term capacity development initiatives. 

As in previous years, IDI’s external auditors gave an unmodified opinion and positively evaluated IDI’s internal control framework. 

The Board approved a new communications strategy and three communications policies as well as a new gender and inclusion policy which builds on the current IDI Gender Framework. Further, the Board approved the IDI Corporate and Developmental Risk Register and discussed IDI’s portfolio, first results of an ongoing organisational review and the SAI Global Stocktaking Report 2023.

The minutes of the Board meeting, the Performance and Accountability Report, financial statements for 2023, the new communication strategy and policies, the IDI gender and inclusion Policy and the SAI Global Stocktaking Report 2023 will soon be published on IDI’s website


Board Meeting March 2024