INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

IDI Board Meets in Oslo

IDI Board Meets in Oslo

Dr Margit Kraker, President of Austrian Court of Audit and Secretary General INTOSAI as well as Mr. Kimi Makwetu, Auditor General South Africa and Chair of the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee attended their first meeting as members representing INTOSAI at the IDI Board. Ms. Marta Acosta Zuniga, Auditor General Costa Rica also attended her first meeting as an observer and incoming member of the IDI Board. The Board condoled the demise of Ms. Margareta Åberg, Auditor General of Sweden and Vice-Chair of the IDI Board. The Board conducted its statutory business of approving the IDI Performance and Accountability Report, the IDI Board’s Annual Report and IDI Financial Statements for 2016. The IDI Auditors-KPMG have also provided an unqualified Audit Report for 2016 after the meeting. In addition to other business, the Board also approved the IDI Bilateral Policy, IDI Complaints Framework and the updated IDI Corporate Risk Register.

The annual reporting documents have been uploaded on the respective pages on this website. The Minutes of the Meeting can be downloaded pdf here(632 KB) .