INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions


IDI Conducts a SAI PMF e-Learning Basic Training Course for SAIs in CAROSAI

The SAI PMF Team is conducting a SAI PMF eLearning basic training course for SAIs in the CAROSAI region. The training, which runs, from 3 November – 2 December 2022 launches the second IDI/CAROSAI SAI PMF facilitation programme in the region, following the successful delivery of the first facilitation programme in the period 2020/2021. 

A SAI PMF facilitation programme entails a regional coordinated approach to implementing SAI PMF where a group of SAIs simultaneously conduct their SAI PMF assessments while receiving support from resource persons and IDI staff throughout the process. In attendance at this training are 11 participants from the 4 participating SAIs.

The objective of the IDI-CAROSAI SAI PMF facilitation programme is to support SAIs in CAROSAI to assess their performance using the SAI PMF framework in line with strategic priority No. 2 of the regional strategic plan 2017-22. SAIs can then use the assessment results to formulate capacity development projects that will improve their efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of their mandate.

Visit the IDI website for more on SAI PMF eLearning.


SAI PMF Twitter  SAI PMF eLearning Basic Training Course CAROSAI Nov Dec 2022