About IDI
Our Cross-Cutting Priorities
Our Results
Meet the IDI Board
IDI's Board is composed of ten members from different supreme audit institutions. Get to know them better in our "Meet the Board" series.
The workshop aimed for the SAI top management to:
raise awareness related to ISSAI Implementation;
provide a platform for sharing experiences related to ISSAI Implementation;
provide for discussions on strategic considerations for implementation and the risks and challenges;
presentation of ISSAI Compliance Assessment Tools (iCATs); and
briefly discuss ISSAI implementation Handbooks
discussion on and commitment for starting ISSAI implementation using 3i products.
Organized by the IDI and ARABOSAI, the workshop was hosted by the SAI of Morocco.34 officials from 17 SAIs including 9 Heads of the SAIs, and 23 senior managers attended the workshop and discussed strategic issues regarding ISSAI implementation.
At the end of the workshop 15 participating SAIs signed the Statement of Commitment to use iCATs and formulate ISSAI Implementation Strategies. This statement details the roles and responsibilities of each SAI, ARABOSAI and the IDI in implementing ISSAIs. 4 more SAIs are expected to sign the statement of commitments after the workshop.