INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Launch of IDI's LOTA Initiative

LOTA Talks on Healthcare Audit Analytics

IDI is pleased to invite you to join the 1st edition of LOTA Talks on Healthcare Audit Analytics.

The seminar will be help in English, but interpretation will be available in Arabic, French and Spanish.

🕒 26th October 2021 | 07:00 - 08:30 CET
🕒 28th October 2021 | 16:00 - 17:30 CET

  pdf Download Poster(542 KB)


Ensuring the availability of healthcare services during and after Covid-19

Mr. Māris Svilāns | CEO, Infotrust

Maris Svilans has 20 years of experience as BI consultant, helping customer to extract value out of their data and applying analytics techniques to solve real-world issues.  For the past four years significant part of projects were related to healthcare industry. He is part of the Infotrust team of 40+ data analytics and data management experts. 

Applications of Data Analytics in different types of Healthcare Audits

Mr. Ajie Amiseno | Senior Auditor and Data Analyst, BPK Indonesia

Ajie is a Senior Auditor and Data Analyst at BPK Indonesia. He is a performance audit team leader in Health Resources Management and Health Financial Management. Ajie is also involved in Healthcare Foresight Opinion Project,  and Covid-19 Disease Control Thematic Audit Task Force.


Come join LOTA Talks and let us make sense of the data!

Link for 26th October meeting

Link for 28th October meeting

For more information on LOTA, please visit:​​