About IDI
Our Cross-Cutting Priorities
Our Results
Meet the IDI Board
IDI's Board is composed of ten members from different supreme audit institutions. Get to know them better in our "Meet the Board" series.
Throughout this initiative we highlight that the innovations always should fit to the context, capacities and purpose, and that innovations can happen in multiple layers and be seen from different perspectives - an institutional and a people perspective, from technological and social perspective. (Please read more: https://idi.no/news/relevant-sais/sai-innovations/the-idi-held-two-webinars-for-sai-innovations-on-24th-and-25th-november)
In the SAI Innovations Marketplace events we are happy to invite our colleagues and stakeholders to share their experiences to support the SAI community in our common journey to go FAR (Flexible, Agile, Resilient). We started the year 2021 with the Marketplace event by SAI Brazil on January 20th, in which Ms Carla Motta shared the experience of SAI Brazil’s innovation Lab (coLAB-i) and the 10 steps for innovating developed by them.
SAI Brazil’s Innovation Lab was created in in the beginning of 2015 to bring innovation to the institution in order to face the challenges of the VUCA (Vulnerable, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguity) world we live in. How to tackle the changing culture and mindsets, and to overcome obstacles that might come along the way in order to be able to deliver more effective products and services and their main projects.
Finally, SAI Brazil also shared us with their 10 steps of success for innovating:
1. Sponsorship
2. Collaboration
3. Inspiration
4. Capacity building
5. Early adopters
6. Safe environment
7. Communication
8. Partnership
9. Error acceptance
10. Attitude
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We are currently creating SAI Innovations library where you can soon find all the materials from the events, more information will follow soon.
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SAI Innovation series will continue in February – March, more information will follow soon.