INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

IDI Board approves plan and budget updates and discusses IDI’s strategic planning

IDI Board approves plan and budget updates and discusses IDI’s strategic planning

In an online meeting on 27 June, the IDI Board approved IDI’s updates on the operational plan and budget for 2022. The COVID-19 pandemic keeps changing and IDI continuously needs to adapt and stay flexible. Hence, IDI put forward a number of smaller updates in its plans and budget for Board approval. The changes relate to IDI work streams and priorities. Overall, with a more positive travel outlook, IDI plans to spend slightly more as compared to the original budget approved in November 2021.  

In the meeting, the IDI Secretariat also shared first draft results from the IDI mid-term evaluation of the current Strategic Plan and discussed strategic questions for the new Strategic Plan 2024-2029.

The minutes of the Board meeting and the updated IDI Operation Plan and Budget for 2022 will be available on the IDI website.