INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Helen Clark, IDC GA for SAI Independence, visits IDI HQ in Oslo

Helen Clark, IDC GA for SAI Independence, visits IDI HQ in Oslo

May 31, 2022. Right Hon. Helen Clark, INTOSAI Development Cooperation (IDC) Goodwill Ambassador, visited the INTOSAI Development Initiative headquarters in Oslo, Norway.

In the first in-person meeting since Helen Clark’s appointment to the role on 1 January 2022, Einar Gørrisen, Director General of IDI, welcomed Ms. Clark along with IDI members from the SAI Independence Workstream and the Global Foundations Unit.

In a discussion mainly aimed at analysing and discussing the current challenges faced by SAIs in terms of their independence, IDI presented the main components of its strategy to advocate for SAI Independence in both reactive and proactive ways.

Helen Clark further highlighted the relevance of the independence of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) as a key variable for democratic and institutional development in all regional and national contexts.

Finally, with a high demand from INTOSAI community and other stakeholders to count on the participation and support of Helen Clark in different fora to advocate for SAI independence, all parties discussed potential future activities for the IDC Goodwill Ambassador.

IDI and IDC were delighted to have the opportunity to meet Ms. Clark in person, and look forward to more discussions and activities highlighting the issues and importance of SAI independence globally.

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For more on the IDC Goodwill Ambassador for SAI Independence, please go to IDC or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the SAI Independence team.