INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions


IDI releases new SIRAM report addressing independence infringements in Poland


EI Study Cover ImageIndependence is a critical prerequisite for any SAI to carry out its mandate. Currently, evidence shows that levels of financial and operational independence within institutions are declining in many parts of the world and institutions remain under threat. Given these realities, SAI Independence has been made a key priority in both INTOSAI and IDI’s Strategic Plans and is high on the agenda of development partners. Using the SAI Independence Rapid Advocacy Mechanism (SIRAM), IDI responds to, addresses, and follows up on threats reported to its SIRAM team in collaboration with affected SAIs, accountability networks, and partners.

On 19 June, in affiliation with SAI Poland, IDI held a joint press conference announcing the upcoming release of its SIRAM report, which confirms independence restrictions were faced by the SAI. With the conclusion of this important SIRAM investigation, IDI now releases its official report detailing the limitations imposed on the Supreme Audit Office.

Having found evidence of undue restrictions and institutional interference within the SAI’s operations, this new SIRAM report outlines the findings and conclusions related to the cases, including documentation taken into account during the investigation. Using the frameworks of the Mexico and Lima Declarations, this report provides valuable insights into the current challenges SAIs’ face in upholding their mandate and ensuring transparency within the public sector. The report also gives an official response from IDI to the threats, reported in 2022, by the SAI. By examining these findings, one can gain a deeper understanding of the obstacles faced in combating corruption and ensuring good governance and accountability.

As more SIRAM cases are finalised, reports will be made available as part of the follow-up stage. To learn more, visit the SAI Independence Resource Centre website or our index of past SIRAM Statements on SAI Independence, which includes a library of these reports. Both resources provide documents with key findings and recommendations, highlighting the importance of promoting good governance practices and protecting the independence of all supreme audit institutions.