INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

IDI SAI Independence team hosts advocacy panels and roundtables at the Hague

IDI SAI Independence team hosts advocacy panels and roundtables at the Hague

IDI’s SAI Independence team attended a number of events and meetings in the Hague in May, discussing the significance of independent SAIs in strong public governance and accountability. 

1. World Justice Forum

The World Justice Forum is the premier international event for the rule of law. Global and community leaders gather in the Hague and online to share insights, strategies and solutions for advancing justice, opportunity and peace.

At the invitation of the WJF, IDI’s SAI Independence team hosted a session entitled ‘Challenges and Trends for Accountability Institutions’, with a panel discussion featuring Silke Steiner from INTOSAI’s General Secretariat, Jorum Duri of Transparency International, Tim Steele of UNODC and Ewout Irrgang representing the Netherlands Court of Audits.

‘Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) are key actors that link the priorities of society and state accountability processes. A necessary condietion for SAIs to be valuable is that they are independent from external interferences.’ Silke Steiner.

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Read more about the WJF:

pdf IDI WJF Session 2022 (942 KB)



2. SAI Independence Discussions with Global Partners

As part of IDI’s strategy to advocate for SAI independence through partnership-building with relevant global actors, Ola Hoem, Deputy General Director and Freddy Ndjemba and Benjamin Fuentes from the SAI Independence workstream held a number of conversations with other agencies and organisations.

Lively and informative bilateral discussions took place with the Secretariats of the World Justice Project, Transparency International and INTOSAI, and with the SAIs of the Netherlands and Libya.

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Find out more about the meetings:

pdf Independence Discussions at the Hague 2022 (907 KB)