INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

3i Programme

Cooperation Meeting with ASEANSAI on IDI-ASEANSAI Cooperative Financial Audit

What does cooperation between the IDI and the ASEANSAI for ISSAI Implementation look like?

Financial Audit ISSAI Implementation Handbook

Read more to find out about the IDI’s Financial Audit ISSAI Implementation Handbook Version 1 and the meeting held in Abu Dhabi.

The ISSAI Framework is currently migrating into the IFPP

This video explains the new framework which was approved during the XXII INCOSAI meeting.

SAI level ISSAI Implementation Support

Fourteen auditors from the Tonga Office of the Auditor General (TOAG) attended a workshop as part of IDI’s SAI level ISSAI (International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions) implementation support, stage II.

EXPOSÉ-SONDAGE : Manuel de mise en œuvre - ISSAI d’audit financier – Français- Version 0 pour commentaires

Manuel de mise en œuvre - ISSAI d’audit financier – Français-  Version 0 pour commentaires

SAI Auditor Professional’s Certification Pilot-Strategy Development Workshop

This workshop was held in Oslo from 5-9 March 2018 as a part of its 3i Programme.

ISSAI Implementation Initiative

EXPOSURE DRAFT: Financial Audit ISSAI Implementation Handbook-Version 0 for comments.

Quality Assurance Design Meeting

This meeting hosted by SAI Mongolia was held in Ulaanbaatar from 11-22 September 2017 to develop training course material for Quality Assurance reviewers.


Quality Assurance Review of ISSAI based pilot financial audit in SAI Bhutan

A week long on-site technical support was provided to three QA reviewers from SAI Bhutan.


3i IDI/ARABOSAI ISSAI based Pilot Financial Audits

Three audit teams from Iraq, Sudan and Palestine are being supported by IDI to conduct ISSAI based Pilot Financial Audits.


3i IDI/ARABOSAI ISSAI based Pilot Compliance Audits

As part of the 3i IDI/ARABOSAI ISSAI based pilot Compliance Audits of procurement programme, 8 audit teams conducted ISSAI based Compliance Audit engagements in their respective countries.


Performance Audit Handbook - Review and update

The IDI has put together a team of resource persons to review and update the IDI Performance Audit Handbook.