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In order to seek a proper name for the SAI PMF online application, a naming competition was held from 28 October 2021. The competition is now concluded. Staff from different SAIs in AFROSAI-E, ASOSAI, ARABOSAI CREFIAF, EUROSAI and OLACEFS participated in the competition, with more than 100 names received for consideration. Mr. Shingo Takamatsu from Board of Audit of Japan and IDI staff Mr. Minor Enrique Sancho suggested the same name ‘’SAI PMF–e’’, which were regarded as the most proper for the upcoming SAI PMF application. Following the broad habits of naming an ‘’e’’ product, the final application name will be adjusted to be ‘’e-SAI PMF’’
The IDI SAI PMF team is truly thankful for the great contribution of Mr. Takamatsu and Mr. Sancho. Special thanks to all colleagues from all over the world who participated in the competition!