INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Lesson Learnt Workshop

Lesson Learnt Workshop

From the 20th-23rd August, the IDI hosted a Lesson Learnt Workshop for SAIs Engaging with stakeholders initiative in South Africa. The objective of the workshop was for SAI teams to share their experiences in the implementation of their stakeholder engagement strategies developed during the implementation of this initiative whose objective is “greater audit impact through stakeholder engagement”.

This is the first Lesson Learnt Workshop for this initiative which commenced in 2016, were SAI teams across the INTOSAI Regions were trained in stakeholder management practices and development of stakeholder engagement strategies. A total of 44 participants from 21 SAIs from AFROSAI-E and CAROSAI Regions took part in this workshop.

During the workshop, the SAI teams shared their experiences in implementing their various stakeholder engagement strategies. The key areas shared included, the challenges faced the success factors that have contributed to the achievement of results and what could have been done better during the training interventions and implementation of the strategies.

Some of the suggestions and feedback received from the participants as far as the training and implementation of the stakeholder engagement strategies developed by SAIs were:

  • Including stakeholder engagement as part of the SAIs operation plans and have it clearly linked to the SAI Strategic plan so that it can contribute to the effectiveness of enhanced engagement.
  • The IDI strategy of bringing teams together across the INTOSAI regions enhanced the sharing of diverse practices in stakeholder engagement.
  • Developing monitoring mechanisms that help SAI teams to track progress on the implementation of the strategies motivates the staff and also made it easier for the team to report progress.
  • As the intervention is about to end, the IDI is encouraged to create a platform for sharing of SAIs experiences over the period time.
  • Stakeholder engagement should cut across all the SAI functions if it is to create the desired outcome- all SAI staff need to be involved and sensitized.
  • The twinning of SAI teams through exchange visits in a bid to learn and share experiences bring an added value to SAIs especially the pairing between SAIs who are at different levels of engagement.
  • Buy-in from SAI management was one of the key success factors in enhancing stakeholder engagement in SAIs and the IDI strategy of signing commitments and agreements greatly contributed to the SAI achieving most of the deliverables.
  • Programme design and content on the overall was food and lead to a greater understanding of stakeholder management practices.

Participants also discussed how to sustain stakeholder engagement practices in their respective SAIs that was introduced through this intervention.

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For more information about the programme, please see the webpage here. sai engaging 125