About IDI
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Meet the IDI Board
IDI's Board is composed of ten members from different supreme audit institutions. Get to know them better in our "Meet the Board" series.
Supreme Audit institutions are nowadays held to much higher expectations than in the past, due to their growing role in the society and to the potential impact they can have in making a difference in the lives of citizens (ISSAI 12). As such, SAIs need to be able to uphold their reputation and their credibility by leading by example as model organizations. This includes taking care of their internal governance and especially building strong ethics control systems helping them mitigating existing integrity risks with regards to their internal business but also to their relationships with their different institutional and non-institutional stakeholders.
As part of the SAI Leading by Example component of the IDI SAI Fighting Corruption initiative, 12 CREFIAF SAIs committed to expose themselves to a self-assessment of their ethical infrastructures against the ISSAI 30 requirements. From 27th to 31st May 2019, SAIs teams who will be in charge of carrying out this assessment were introduced to the 2016 revised ISSAI 30 (SAIs code of ethics), and were trained on the methodology to plan, conduct and report on the assessment. The scope of the assessment covers the four dimensions of the SAI ethics control systems (code of ethics, leadership, ethics guidance, ethics management and monitoring), and is also extended to the specific controls in place to mitigate ethical risks relating to each of the five fundamental ethical values (integrity, independence & objectivity, competence, professional behaviour, transparency & confidentiality). Assessment teams are expected to share their assessment results, recommendations and action plans at a review meeting scheduled for early December 2019. Participant SAIs are coming from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Comoros, Côte-d’Ivoire, Gabon, Madagascar, Niger, DRC, CAR and Djibouti.
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For further information about the SAIs Fighting Corruption programme, please see the webpage here. | ![]() |