INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions


TOGETHER HRM Review & Planning Workshop in Istanbul, 27 to 31 March 2023

TOGETHER HRM Review & Planning Workshop from 27 to 31 March 2023 in Istanbul, Türkiye – In-depth peer to peer engagement for the pilot group of 11 SAIs from AFROSAI-E, ASOSAI and EUROSAI regions


Following the 6 weeks eLearning Course on HRM Fundamentals for SAIs which they attended during last quarter of 2022, the 11 SAIs from the cross-regional pilot group of the IDI TOGETHER initiative gathered in Istanbul from 27 to 31 March 2023. The goal was to finalise the different products that will assist them moving forward in enhancing their human resource governance practices, for improved SAI professionalism and performance.

Country teams from the Royal Audit Authority of Bhutan, the Office of the Auditor General of Botswana, the Audit Office of the Republic of Cyprus, the BPK of Indonesia, the General Audit Commission of Liberia, The National Audit Office of the Gambia, the Audit General’s Office of Maldives, the Office of the Auditor General of Namibia, the Court of Accounts of Moldova, The National Audit Office of Tanzania, and the Court of Accounts of Türkiye, met face-to-face for the first time under the initiative. They used this opportunity to review and improve their HRM integrated assessments initiated after the eLearning Course. This was done using a peer-to-peer approach.  


Throughout the workshop, the 11 SAIs were able to identify and discuss their key strengths and weaknesses in HRM, and on this basis, to discuss context-specific and tailored recommendations to be suggested to SAI leadership for improving their HRM processes and systems. Most prominent priorities identified by SAIs include, among others: pursuing greater HRM autonomy, in dialogue with relevant stakeholders (such as civil service agencies and ministry of finance); for SAIs that currently enjoy greater administrative and organisational autonomy, modernizing their recruitment, selection, and onboarding processes; reviewing and updating their HRM strategy, in light of the SAI overall strategy; enhancing competency and skills of staff in charge of HR processes; establishing employee’s individual development plans that are aligned to a SAI competency framework and SAI organisational professional development plans; enhancing systems for managing staff performance.


During this intensive workshop, action plans were also developed by the different SAIs, for further implementing the priotized HRM recommendations emerging from the integrated review. Based on available resources and SAI request, IDI will over the next months, explore opportunities to support individual SAIs in implementing their HR Governance action plans. Drawing on the SAIs’ action plans, SAI level support will seek to address improvement of overall HRM systems, as well SAIs’ practices regarding ethics management, and mainstreaming inclusion and diversity in HR management.


IDI's TOGETHER initiative supports SAIs in areas of Human Resource Governance, Gender, Inclusion, Diversity, and Ethics Management. It is based on an integration of existing approaches and tools from the INTOSAI community in the area of HRM. The initiative design and pilot implementation benefit from the in-kind contribution and expertise from a team of resource people coming from the SAIs of Bhutan, Indonesia, Ghana, France, Ecuador, Brazil, Sweden and from PASAI Secretariat. Adaptation and roll-out in Francophone SAIs will start during the second half of 2023. 
