INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

SFC Programme moving forward in OLACEFS

Working with SAIS to strengthen anti-corruption efforts.

IDI Programme Manager Presents at EUROSAI Task Force on Audit and Ethics Meeting

What is IDI's Contribution to Increasing the Role of SAIs in Fighting Corruption?

SAI PMF basic training course in Madrid

Why is the SAI PMF training important?

ARABOSAI SFC Audit Planning Workshop

This programme envisages achieving the objective of ‘Greater effectiveness of SAIs in fighting corruption’ by supporting participating SAIs in enhancing results in three areas. 

SAI PMF Global Basic Training Course in Lima

A holistic and evidence based performance assessment – A must for all SAIs.

SAIs Engaging with Stakeholders Strategy Development Workshops for PASAI and ASOSAI

SAIs across INTOSAI Regions have embraced engagement with stakeholders in their audit processes as a critical way of enhancing audit impact and enhancing independence.

Audit Review Meeting with AFROSAI-E, CAROSAI & EUROSAI

The second group of INTOSAI English speaking regions review their draft audit reports on auditing frameworks for fighting corruption.

ISSAI 30 eLearning Course Development Meeting

The SAIs Fighting Corruption team met in Oslo in order to develop eLearning material for Implementation of ISSAI 30.

Audit Review Meeting with ASOSAI & PASAI

Cooperative Performance Audit of Institutional Frameworks for Fighting Corruption where 11 draft audit reports were peer-reviewed.

Stakeholder Engagement Strategy Development

How can SAIs can effectively engage stakeholders to achieve greater audit impact?

SAI PMF Global Basic Training Course

Twenty-seven participants from all over the world took this course in Oslo.