INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

IDI/CAROSAI SAI PMF Facilitation Programme

IDI/CAROSAI SAI PMF Facilitation Programme

The review workshop which will be attended by sixteen participants, is a follow up on the progress of the SAI PMF assessments currently being conducted by four SAIs  participating in the IDI/CAROSAI SAI PMF facilitation programme. After the SAI PMF basic training course conducted in May 2020, the assessment teams proceeded to the field work and reporting stages of the assessment process. The field work focused on collecting evidence while the reporting stage focused on drafting some selected chapters of the SAI PMF report. The IDI provided remote support to the assessment teams throughout these stages. An external resource person and two managers from the IDI will be facilitating this workshop.

The review workshop is intended to provide an opportunity to the assessment teams to write, revise and correct as appropriate, the completed draft sections of the SAI PMF. In addition, the assessment teams will be required to identify the key strengths and weaknesses in SAI performance and to conduct a root cause analysis, establishing the interlinkages between the different aspects of SAI performance. The ultimate objective of the workshop is to finalise the full draft SAI PMF reports and have them ready for an independent review by the IDI.

It is anticipated the final SAI PMF reports which include an independent review statement issued by the IDI, will be ready by 31 May 2021.