INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions


Guidance Note on Strategic Management for INTOSAI Regional Organisations

IDI is delighted to share its newly developed Guidance Note on Strategic Management for INTOSAI Regional Organisations.


The Global SAI Accountability Initiative (GSAI) gets off to a head start with EU funding and 30 partners engaged

GSAI brings partners together to craft support projects for the SAIs of Belize, Benin, Dominica, Haiti, Honduras, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon and Tajikistan


IDI's 2022 - A Year in Review

Read IDI's retrospective of 2022, detailing our many rendezvous and collaborations in 2022 - and take a peek at what's to come in 2023.


IDI Conducts a SAI PMF e-Learning Basic Training Course for SAIs in CAROSAI

The SAI PMF Team is conducting a SAI PMF eLearning basic training course for SAIs in the CAROSAI region.

SAIs from ARABOSAI, ASOSAI, CAROSAI and PASAI met in Tunis. The head of Courts of Account of Tunisia, Mr. Nejib Gtari greeted the participants on the first day

SDG 3.d draft audit report review meeting held in Tunisia, 15 - 17 November 2022

After working together online for two years, 19 SAIs and 16 mentors met in person to share their draft audit reports. 

OAG Somalia Forensic Audits Workshop August 2022

OAG Somalia enjoys peer support on forensic audit and information system audit workshop

Workshops enable SAI Somalia auditors to achieve timely, relevant, and high-quality audit reports in line with international standards.

RISK workshops on IDI's CRISP Initiative

Smooth take-off with Risk!?

IDI’s CRISP Team successfully finalises the approach to implement the Risk Management Process for SAIs

IDI's Operational Plan 2023 Cover Page

Board approves IDI’s 2023 Operational Plan and Budget allowing IDI to go full speed ahead next year

In a first face to face meeting since the pandemic, IDI’s Board approved the IDI Operational Plan and Budget for 2023. The meeting took place on the margins of the XXIV International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI) on 10 November 2022.

Launch of IDI’s Global Cooperative Audit of Climate Change Adaptation Actions

Launch of IDI’s Global Cooperative Audit of Climate Change Adaptation Actions

Are governments acting to adapt to climate change?

Launch of IDI ‘ Equal Futures Audits

Launch of IDI’s Equal Futures Audits

SAI Auditors bring positive change for Equality and Inclusion: Launch of IDI’s Equal Futures Audits

Chess pieces
Keynote Speaker Per Fredrik Pharo, Head of Partnership and Shard Prosperity, Norad, poses with SAI representatives on Day 1 of the Workshop

Strengthening public oversight of extractive industries. Joint Workshop - 10-11 October 2022 Oslo, Norway

The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) jointly organised the workshop “Strengthening Public Oversight of Extractive Industries”

CASP audit plans review month

SAIs' audits contribute to sustainable public procurement practices linked to SDG 12.7

An IDI-OLACEFs article considers the CASP audit reports and asks if nations are promoting sustainable public procurement as a strategic instrument for green and inclusive growth.

Available in Spanish and English, IDI's latest article is entitled “Are nations promoting sustainable public procurement as a strategic instrument for green and inclusive growth?” It reflects on the CASP initiative implemented in OLACEFS, as one of the pilots of ISAM.

To a large extent, it leverages on the audit reports issued by twelve of the fourteen participating SAIs. It summarises the main insights and recommendations provided by SAIs in relation to Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP), particularly on aspects such as regulatory framework, improvement of capacities, level of coordination and coherence among different institutions, how the 2030 agenda principle of Leave No One Behind (LNOB) is considered and mainstreamed by Governments and procurement systems, what is the level of regular interaction with stakeholders, and what are some of the issues with procurement data for implementing SPP.

Bearing in mind that IDI’s mission relates to the improvement of capacities of SAIs, IDI also reflects on how participating SAIs benefitted from CASP and how can we continue to build on what we have achieved.

Download and read the full article in English here

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Es para la IDI un placer presentarles nuestro artículo “¿Están las naciones promoviendo las compras públicas sostenibles como un instrumento estratégico para el crecimiento verde e inclusivo?”, en el que se reflexiona acerca de la iniciativa CASP implementada en OLACEFS, uno de los pilotos de ISAM.

En gran medida, estas reflexiones se basan en los informes de auditoría emitidos por doce de las catorce EFS participantes. De modo que estamos presentando las principales ideas y recomendaciones proporcionadas por las EFS en relación con las Compras Públicas Sostenibles (CPS), particularmente en aspectos como el marco regulatorio, la mejora de las capacidades, el nivel de coordinación y coherencia entre las diferentes instituciones, el modo en el que el principio de la Agenda 2030 No dejar a nadie atrás (LNOB) es integrado por los gobiernos en sus sistemas de compras, el grado de interacción con las partes interesadas y algunos aspectos vinculados con los datos e información para implementar CPS.

Teniendo en cuenta que la misión de la IDI se relaciona con la mejora de las capacidades de las EFS, también estamos reflexionando acerca de cómo las EFS participantes se beneficiaron del CASP y cómo podemos continuar construyendo sobre lo que ya se ha logrado.

Vea versión en español debajo


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