INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

SFC ARABOSAI Workshop on Audit of Institutional Framework for fighting corruption

12 Audit teams from ARABOSAI are now ready to start auditing the Institutional framework for fighting corruption.

Training Workshop on SAI-Stakeholder Strategy Development

15 CREFIAF SAIs teams develop their skills to engage with key stakeholders for greater audit impact because around the world citizens are demanding that their governments use public funds better and SAI's contribute to the effective delivery of government services.

Training Workshop on Auditing Institutional Framework for Fighting Corruption

The Cooperative Audit on Institutional Frameworks for Fighting Corruption meeting kicked off in CREFIAF.

Invitation to SAI PMF Training Course

The SAI PMF Unit cordially invites you to attend a training course on the SAI Performance Measurement Framework (SAI PMF) in Oslo, Norway, from 23rd to 25th of May 2018.

Review of SAIs Strategy Plans Meeting

Nineteen SAIs from CAROSAI and AFROSAI E were ready to engage with their key stakeholders in order to achieve greater audit impact as well as enhance their operational independence.

SAI PMF Information Videos in Three More Languages in Place

We invite you to view the new SAI PMF videos.

Norwegian SAI PMF Assessment Report is Published

This report is now published on the website of the Auditor General's department of Norway.

Jamaica SAI PMF Assessment Report is Published

This report is now published on the website of the Auditor General's department of Jamacia.

CREFIAF Product Adaptation Meeting

Resource Persons from CREFIAF meet in Oslo to work on SAI Engaging with Stakeholders Programme Material.

SAI PMF Basic Training Course in ARABOSAI

This SAI PMF Basit Training Course in took place in Morocco.

Programme Products Adaptation Meeting

SAI Fighting Corruption Programme: Resource Persons meet in Abidjan to adapt material prior to roll out in CREFIAF in 2018.