INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Featured Journal Articles

Holistic support of IDI for strengthening the role of SAIs in achieving the 2030 agenda

The United Nations’ 2030 Agenda is the first global plan to address social challenges through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

SAI Independence at risk!

Supreme Audit Institutions' (SAIs) independence is crucial for transparent governance. 

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INTOSAI and IDI helping SAIS to contribute to a healthy accountability ecosystem

IDI's Director General Einar Gørrissen discusses accountability and transparency in the ECA Journal

IDI's SAI Young Leaders Programme supporting public auditors features in ACCA's AB Magazine

Three SAI Young Leaders share their experience of implementing their SYL change strategy in their SAI

IDI addresses SAIs' role in tackling corruption in IMF's report: Good Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa

IDI's Martin Aldcroft, Camilla Fredriksen and Alain Memvuh offer discussions of SAIs' roles to a wide-reaching IMF report on strong governance  

Pioneering Sustainable Technology Audit Practice in SAIs for Better Use of Technology by Governments

In the second quarter of 2023, the International Journal of Government Auditing published Volume 50, Issue 2.

The issue focused on emerging science and technology issues in the public auditing sector.

In this publication, the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (IDI) shared how it is spearheading sustainable technology audit practices for better utilization of technology by governments and auditors.

Read the full article here.

The full issue may be found here.


Pivoting and Providing: How IDI upscaled support for SAIs in Response to the global pandemic

In EUROSAI Magazine Issue 26, issued July 2022, IDI shared how it pivoted to provide up-scaled support to SAIs as the pandemic took hold.  


Supreme Audit Institutions: Natural Allies to Open Government

The role of SAIs makes them a natural ally to the values that make up the Open Government Partnership (OGP): transparency, citizen participation, inclusion, and accountability.

CBC blog: Challenge your perception of what competency looks like this year

"...for women it’s still difficult to break the glass-ceiling, even when they are competent and experienced."


Global Stocktaking Shows Slow Progress in Difficult Waters

In September 2021, the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) released the Global Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) Stocktaking Report 2020.


Strengthening The Relationship Between SAIs And The IMF

The IMF has encouraged countries to act promptly, while also increasing efforts to ensure transparency and accountability of public spending.


IDI Champions Gender Equality with SAIs

Gender equality is necessary for flourishing societies and growing economies, and its positive effect has been proven by research.