About IDI
Our Cross-Cutting Priorities
Our Results
Meet the IDI Board
IDI's Board is composed of ten members from different supreme audit institutions. Get to know them better in our "Meet the Board" series.
Managers Alain Memvuh and Sebastian Gil attended Forum at the OECD headquarters in Paris from the 20-21 of March.
This workshop created awareness of SAIs’ role in auditing SDGs as well as the support required in auditing SDGs.
IDI is co-organizing this event on the 29th of March as part of the 6th Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development.
Einar Gørrissen accepts the SOLIDUS Award on behalf of IDI.
A medida que comienza el 2019, también lo hace el Plan Estratégico de la IDI 2019-2023.
ADA and IDI have signed a new 5-year contract in support of IDI’s wider work and structures.
Get the latest INTOSAI news online.
Estonian NAO and MFA provide support to strengthening young leaders in Supreme Audit Institutions and SAIs’ role in auditing SDGs
As 2019 begins, so does IDI's Strategic Plan for 2019-2023.
One of the key messages in auditing preparedness of the SDG's is how SAIs engage with stakeholders in auditing SDGs. This notion of stakeholder engagement comes from the way audit teams conduct their work and the nature of the subject matter of SDGs related to stakeholder engagement.