INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

IDI News

Award of Certificate of Competence to IDI eLearning Specialists in ASOSAI

The IDI has certified a pool of 39 eLearning Specialists in  ASOSAI.

Seminar on Sustainable Development Goals organized by SAI Chile

The  second international Seminar on “SDGs and auditing” was held  in Santiago/Chile on 23 to 25 October 2017.

Quality Assurance of cooperative audits

OLACEFS Quality Assurance meeting was held in Montevideo, Uruguay, from 12 to 21 October.

Enhancing eLearning Capacity Programme

IDI-ASOSAI Blended Learning Specialists Certification Programme Workshop was held in Thailand in October.

XVII OLACEFS General Assembly

The XVII OLACEFS General Assembly was held in Asuncion, Paraguay, from 4 to 6 October.

70th INTOSAI Governing Board Meeting

This year, the INTOSAI Governing Board Meeting is held in Graz, Austria from the 6th - 7th of November.

The General Auditing Bureau of Saudi Arabia Announces Financial Support for Audit of the Sustainable Development Goals Across Developing Countries

Today, The General Auditing Bureau (GAB) of Saudi Arabia signed a grant agreement to support the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) in its efforts in supporting the audit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Unscertainty, risk volatility - The new issue of Public Finance Quarterly

INTOSAI Development Initiative recommends reading the latest issue of Public Finance Quarterly

SAIs Engaging with Stakeholders Strategy Development AFROSAI-E Workshop

This workshop trained 22 participants from 11 SAI's from AFROSAI-E on Stakeholder Engagement.

SAIs Engaging with Stakeholders Strategy Development CAROSAI Workshop

IDI has trained 17 participants from Caribbean Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (CAROSAI)  on Stakeholder Engagement.

SAIs Fighting Corruption product adaptation meeting

SAI Tunisia hosted a SAIs Fighting Corruption meeting.

Support to INTOSAI Regions

The annual IDI-INTOSAI Regional Workshop was held in Oslo from 4-6 September 2017.