INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Chair of IDI Board Mr. Karl Eirik Schjøtt-Pedersen

Meet the Chair of IDI's Board, Mr. Schjøtt-Pedersen, as we round up our 'Meet the Board' series for 2022

It's a pleasure to feature the recently appointed Chair of IDI's Board, Karl Eirik Schjøtt-Pedersen, Auditor General of Norway, in IDI's 'Meet the Board' series


IDI Board approves plan and budget updates and discusses IDI’s strategic planning

In an online meeting on 27 June, the IDI Board approved IDI’s updates on the operational plan and budget for 2022.


Helen Clark, IDC GA for SAI Independence, visits IDI HQ in Oslo

May 31, 2022. Right Hon. Helen Clark, INTOSAI Development Cooperation (IDC) Goodwill Ambassador, visited the INTOSAI Development Initiative headquarters in Oslo, Norway.

IDI Board member Helena Lindberg

Meet Ms. Helena Lindberg, IDI board member and Auditor General of Sweden

It's with great pleasure that we feature Ms. Helena Lindberg, IDI board member and Auditor General of Sweden, in our 'Meet the Board' series

Board approves IDI's 2021 reports and welcomes a new Chair

In a virtual meeting on 31 March 2022, the Board approved reports and the way forward on strategic planning.


IDI features in Issue 1 of UN Women ECA's Gender Equality magazine

‘Transformative Financing for Gender Equality in the Western Balkans’ showcases IDI's participation in their Dec 2021 workshop, interviews with SAI N Macedonia and more. 

When IDI upholds equality, everyone wins

Findings of an external assessment of gender and diversity dimensions of IDI’s Human Resources management show that IDI is on the right track. IDI staff generally perceives IDI as an organisation committed to gender equality and inclusiveness and a great place to work.

IDI Statement on Ukraine

IDI joins in expressing its consternation, solidarity and support for the Ukrainian people under the horrifying and violent ongoing invasion by Russian forces

IDI Board Vice-Chair Lara Taylor-Pierce

Meet Lara Taylor-Pearce, Vice-Chair of IDI's Board and Sierra Leone's Auditor General

It's with great pleasure that we feature Lara Taylor-Pearce, Vice-Chair of IDI's Board and Auditor General of Sierra Leone, in our 'Meet the Board' series

Invitation to tender for mid-term evaluation of implementation of the IDI Strategic Plan, 2019-23

Responses to the terms of reference are invited by 12 January 2022. See the ToRs for further details.

IDI Board Member Dr. Margit Kraker

Meet Dr. Margit Kraker, IDI Board member and first female Secretary General of INTOSAI

We're delighted to profile Board member, Dr. Margit Kraker, President of the Austrian Court of Audit and Secretary-General of INTOSAI, with a special 'Meet the Board' focus on gender equality.