INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

The TOGETHER eLearning platform at a glance

TOGETHER pilot kicks off as 13 SAIs begin a journey with IDI in Governance of Human Resource

IDI’s TOGETHER Initiative on Human Resource Management, Ethics, Gender, and Inclusion for SAIs has launched, after nearly a year of design work, maturing the concept, research and consultations at different levels.

TOGETHER initiative opens the doors and welcomes applications

Following two very successful Open Houses, the TOGETHER initiative welcomes applications from SAIs in three regions.

The much-awaited launch of IDI’s brand new pICTure initiative

The new pICTure initiative will help SAIs fulfill their digital ambitions by uplifting their ICT Maturity.

SAIs from AFROSAI-E and EUROSAI regions share their strategic management experiences at the knowledge-sharing workshop in Oslo, 13-17 June 2022

Over the past four years, many SAIs participating in the Strategy, Performance Measurement, and Reporting (SPMR) initiative have achieved significant progress in terms of strategic management.

Supporting SAIs in HR Governance, Diversity & Ethics Management (TOGETHER)

IDI benefits from peer expertise and experience in the TOGETHER iniative

SPMR – Implementation, Monitoring & Reporting Workshop in Yaoundé, Cameroon, 4 -10 Mai 2022

The CREFIAF group of the Strategy, Performance Measurement and Reporting (SPMR) initiative met for their first in-person activity since the COVID-19 pandemic breakout and the subsequent travel restrictions.

IDI Conducts Global Webinar on SAI PMF

IDI's SAI PMF Team conducts a SAI PMF Global Webinar on “Building SAI Capacity through SAI PMF".

SAI PMF Webinar – Building SAI Capacity through SAI PMF

The SAI PMF Team in the IDI will be conducting a webinar on the topic “Building SAI Capacity through SAI PMF”.

SAI PMF Announces Winner of its Application Naming Competition

The upcoming SAI PMF application has a name: e-SAI PMF!

Eight more SAIs begin their SPMR journey towards stronger strategic management

The SAIs of Albania, Aruba, Kosovo, Mauritius, Montenegro, Namibia, St. Lucia and Zambia have begun a new all-digital round of SPMR