INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions


3i Management Workshop, OLACEFS in Brasilia, Brazil

3i OLACEFS Management Workshop was held in Brasilia, Brazil from 27-28 March 2014. The workshop gave the SAIs of the OLACEFS region an opportunity to discuss ISSAI implementation issues, share products, thoughts and ideas regarding implementation of ISSAIs.

3i product review meeting - performance audit

Performance audit ISSAI experts, mentor and facilitators of the 3i Programme met in Oslo, Norway from 10 to 16 April 2014 to review the products that have been developed for the programme.

3i product review meetings - financial audit and compliance audit

Financial audit and Compliance audit ISSAI expert and mentors of the 3i Programme met in Abu Dhabi, UAE from 17 to 21 February 2014 to review the products that have been developed for the programme.

ISSAI Implementation Handbook ‚ Compliance audit developed

Compliance audit ISSAI expert and mentors of the 3i Programme met in Abu Dhabi, UAE from 10 to 28 February 2014 to develop the draft ISSAI Implementation Handbook- Compliance audit.

117 participants certified as IDI-PSC ISSAI Facilitators

117 participants of the ISSAI Certification Programme have successfully completed the workshop on facilitating ISSAI Implementation and now certified as IDI-PSC ISSAI Facilitators.