INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions


Audit Review Meeting on the Audit of Disaster Management

The IDI-ASOSAI 3i Cooperative Audit Programme on Audit of Disaster Management has reached it third stage. The participating SAI teams have completed the audit and came for audit review meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia from 10 to 14 October 2016 to discuss their draft audit reports. 48 participants from 17 SAIs participated in the meeting to finalize their draft report.

Design Meeting for SAI Young Leaders Programme

Oslo Norway – With the aim to provide SAI young leaders the frameworks and platforms in developing their leadership capabilities

IDI-ARABOSAI Workshop on ISSAI based Compliance Audit of procurement

The 3i programme in ARABOSAI has a number of elements in its results framework. After providing 3i products in Arabic, training of a pool of ISSAI facilitators and supporting SAIs in assessing needs by conducting iCATs, the next step in the programme is to support SAIs in conducting ISSAI based pilot audits.

Product Development Meeting-SAI Fighting Corruption

The resource team involved in the research project met in Oslo, Norway from 8-19 August 2016 to develop the guidance for audit of institutional framework for fighting corruption and SAIs implementing ISSAI 30.

Global Background Research Project

A resource team from Cameroon, Hungary, Thailand, Zambia and the IDI worked on the Research Project for

International standards and the audit office in Somalia

OAG Somalia has been assessing its own operations compare to the international standards for auditing.

IDI Product Development Meeting

IDI Product Development Meeting, held in New York, USA, from 27 – 29 July 2016. The resource team started to write a guidance on preparedness for implementation of SDGs.

IDI Planning meeting for the Auditing SDGs programme

IDI Planning meeting for the Auditing SDGs programme, held in Vienna, Austria, from 15-16 March 2016.

3i Phase-I CREFIAF, iCAT review workshops for Compliance Audit & Financial Audit and Workshop on facilitating ISSAI Implementation

The above-mentioned workshops were held in Yaound?©, Cameroon from 20 June to 1 July 2016. A resource team of four experts from Cameroon, DR Congo, Gabon and Senegal reviewed iCATs (ISSAI Compliance Assessment Tools) conducted by 17 SAIs during the iCAT review workshop for Compliance Audit. 30 participants from 17 SAIs participated in this workshop. SAI teams also developed the first draft of their ISSAI Implementation.

Workshop on OLACEFS Cooperative Performance Audit on the Fight Against Poverty

As part of the IDI-OLACEFS ISSAI based Cooperative audit programme, the workshop on Performance Audit on fighting against poverty was held in Quito, Ecuador, from 25 to 29 April 2016. There were participants from SAI Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru and Paraguay.

3i Performance Audit product maintenance meeting, Oslo

The IDI organized 3i Performance Audit product maintenance meeting in Oslo, Norway from 20 to 24 June 2016. Under the 3i Programme phase I, IDI developed and revised the performance audit ISSAI Compliance Assessment Tool (iCAT) and the performance audit ISSAI Implementation Handbook, from 2012 to 2014.

3i Phase II-Moving towards ISSAI compliance ‚ Mapping exercise in SAI Bhutan

Under 3i Phase II Pilot programme, SAI Bhutan is currently conducting a mapping exercise on ‚Moving towards ISSAI compliance‚. The mapping exercise commenced from 8 August 2016 and is due to complete by 30 September. A two week workshop on conducting ISSAI based audit that was delivered to a team from SAI Bhutan in August 2016 also covered sessions on conducting this mapping exercise.