INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

IDI-PASAI 6th Cooperative Performance Audit of Preparedness for Implementation of SDGs

At this IDI/PASAI joint reporting meeting the audit teams present their draft audit reports.

Global SAI Stocktaking Report 2017 is now available in Spanish, French and Arabic

The Global SAI Stocktaking Report 2017 is now available in Spanish, French and Arabic.

The ISSAI Framework is currently migrating into the IFPP

This video explains the new framework which was approved during the XXII INCOSAI meeting.

Review Meetings in Nanjing, China

Two review meetings under cooperative performance audit on preparedness for implementation of SDGs were held in Nanjing.

SAI PMF Global Basic Training Course

Twenty-seven participants from all over the world took this course in Oslo.

Launching of the Pilot phase SPMR Programme

IDI and PASAI launched the Pilot phase of the Strategy, Performance Measurement, and Reporting (SPMR) Programme, in Nuku’alofa, Tonga.

EEC Lessons learned and Redesign Meeting for eLearning Specialists programme

A team of eLearning Specialist from seven SAIs created an action plan for the Specialist Certification Programme.

SES ARABOSAI Review Workshop for Stakeholder Engagement & Development of Action Plan

Ten SAIs from ARABOSAI will soon have their strategies for engaging with stakeholders.

SAI level ISSAI Implementation Support

Fourteen auditors from the Tonga Office of the Auditor General (TOAG) attended a workshop as part of IDI’s SAI level ISSAI (International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions) implementation support, stage II.

Auditing SDGs programme in CREFIAF training and planning Meeting

The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and the CREFIAF Secretariat jointly organized the training and planning meeting for the Auditing SDGs programme in CREFIAF, from the 7th - 18th  of May 2018, in Yaounde, Cameroon.

No. 23 of the EUROSAI Magazine is available in 5 languages

EUROSAI Magazine available online in English, French, German, Russian and Spanish.

Handbook on Audit of Public Debt Management

Exposure Draft: Handbook on Audit of Public Debt Management –  Version 0: Request for comments.