INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions


3i IDI/ARABOSAI ISSAI based Pilot Financial Audits

Three audit teams from Iraq, Sudan and Palestine are being supported by IDI to conduct ISSAI based Pilot Financial Audits.


3i IDI/ARABOSAI ISSAI based Pilot Compliance Audits

As part of the 3i IDI/ARABOSAI ISSAI based pilot Compliance Audits of procurement programme, 8 audit teams conducted ISSAI based Compliance Audit engagements in their respective countries.


INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation Newsletter, 2nd quarterly update 2017

We invite you to read the latest quarterly newsletter of the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation!

Performance Audit Handbook - Review and update

The IDI has put together a team of resource persons to review and update the IDI Performance Audit Handbook.


EUROSAI Seminar on Implementation of ISSAI 300

IDI was represented by Capacity Development Manager Maria Lucia Lima for the seminar “Implementation of the ISSAI 300 – Fundamental Principles of Performance Auditing – experience and best practice” held in Bratislava from April 4th to 6th 2017, hosted by SAI Slovakia

IDI Board Meets in Oslo

The IDI Board met in Oslo on 28-29 March 2017

The state, as a factor of competitiveness – Latest on Public Finance Quarterly

INTOSAI Development Initiative recommends reading the latest issue of Public Finance Quarterly

Financial Audit QA training

IDI conducted the last stage of the 3i Phase II SAI level support programme 

Global Call for Proposals: Tier 1 Launch

The INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation today relaunches the Global Call for Proposals (GCP). The GCP is being relaunched in a stronger format with several new features. The GCP matches SAI’s needs-based capacity development proposals with donor funding and/or INTOSAI support

SAIs Engaging with Stakeholders

Greater audit impact through stakeholder engagement

Knowledge sharing in the fight against corruption

Shourjp Chattterjee shares the main elements of the IDI´s programme supporting the fight against corruption