INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Extraordinary virtual meeting of the IDI Board

Board discusses IDI’s revised plans and engagement under the "new normal" of Covid-19

Fourth issue of the ARABOSAI Newsletter

Read the 4th issue of the ARABOSAI newsletter in English  document here (71 KB) .

The launch of the INTOSAI Global Survey has been postponed until September/October 2020

The INTOSAI Global Survey Committee has decided to postpone distribution of the Global Survey until third quarter 2020.

Online Quality Assurance Review of Audits of Institutional Frameworks for Fighting Corruption (English speaking regions)

SAI Fighting Corruption: IDI Learning Management System hosting Quality Assurance Review of Cooperative Audit

Cooperative Audit on Sustainable Public Procurement using Data Analytics (CASP)

The IDI-OLACEFS team, assisted by the IDI Digital Education team, is supporting a Cooperative Audit on Sustainable Public Procurement using Data Analytics (CASP) for 14 SAIs in OLACEFS

Launch of new INTOSAI PFAC Covid-19 Initiative site

The new INTOSAI PFAC website is a resource for SAIs operating duing Covid-19

SAI PMF basic eLearning training course for SAIs in the CAROSAI region

The SAI PMF Team, with the support of the Digital EducationTeam, is conducting a SAI PMF basic eLearning training course for SAIs in the CAROSAI region. 

The new edition of the INTOSAI Journal features SDGs and Gender Equality, including IDI’s work.

While this edition is dedicated to the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, it also features the topic of gender equality. Read our article spotlighting IDI’s work with Gender Equality and an interesting article interviewing several female SAI leaders.

Turkish Court of Accounts Contributing to Enhanced ICT-Audit Capacity in OAG Somalia

IDI facilitates provision of specialised audit competencies for SAI Somalia.