INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions


CASP audit plans review month

IDI-OLACEFS CASP initiative - Online review of Audit Plans completed

The online review of Audit Plans for IDI-OLACEFS' CASP initiative linked to SDG 12.7 (Cooperative Audit on Sustainable Public Procurement using Data Analytics) has been completed in an innovative one-month process.  

IDI Learning Management System (LMS) Resources and Activities - Self learning course (MOOC)

IDI has been using its own LMS since 2015. This online system is used in many Digital Education activities such as mentor-lead eLearning courses, online workspaces, MOOCs, internal courses, and other activities.

IDI's DG at EUROSAI Congress

IDI's Einar Gørrissen highlights collaboration at EUROSAI Congress

"Focus on flexibility, agility and resilience," says IDI's Director General Einar Gørrissen at EUROSAI's Congress on 15 April 2021 

SAI DRC publishes its strategic plan 2021-2025

The Cour des Comptes of the Democratic Republic of the Congo launches its latest Strategic Plan online for the first time

IDI Board Member Dasho Tashi

Meet IDI Board Member, Dasho Tashi (Auditor General of Bhutan)

Appointed to the IDI Board in March 2021, IDI is pleased to profile Board Member Dasho Tashi.

National Audit Office of The Gambia launches first ever summarised audit report

SAI The Gambia improves transparency with the publication of its first ever summarised audit report

We are looking for an Associate PESA-P Assessor

Join the Professional Education for SAI Auditors - Pilot (PESA-P) team in our work creating professional SAI auditors for professional SAIs. 

Accounting in an emergency

Supreme audit institutions have an essential role to play in securing government accountability in the massive fiscal response to Covid 

PAP-APP Donor and Peer Partner Dialogue

The nine SAIs in the PAP-APP Programme engaged with development and peer partners to discuss new plans and scaled-up support. 

Launch of Professional Education for SAI Auditors - Pilot

IDI is delighted to announce the launch of PESA-P at the IDI Board Meeting on 25 March 2021.

IDI Board approves 2020 reports, a new policy, bilateral support to DRC and a new Board member

IDI’s Board approved the Performance and Accountability Report and the financial statements for 2020 in its virtual meeting on 25 March 2021.

Auditing the SDGs with UN Economic Commission for West Asia at the Arab Forum for Sustainable Development

IDI and ARABOSAI are hosting a session on Auditing the SDGs with UN Economic Commission for West Asia at the Arab Forum for Sustainable Development – 2021 (29 to 31 March).