INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

SAI Young Leaders Graduation

IDI is delighted to announce that 21 participants from 17 countries successfully graduated from the SAI Young Leader (SYL) initiative. 

IDI issues statement on recent events at the Office of the Auditor General of the Union in Myanmar

IDI expresses its concern over the Office’s independence and the recent replacement of the Auditor General

Introducing IDI Board member, Tsakani Maluleke (Auditor General of South Africa)

Introducing IDI Board member, Tsakani Maluleke (Auditor General of South Africa), with some timely thoughts on gender balance and female leadership

SAI Somalia’s Remarkable Strategic Journey, 2017-2020

 In a post-conflict Somalia, strong Auditor General leadership and peer-to-peer cooperation with international partners have been key to improving the performance of the country’s SAI.

From Awareness-Raising To Concrete Action: IDI’s Initiatives To Support SAI Independence

We all know the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have been devastating and—the word of the year— unprecedented. Faced with the urgent need to be more agile, flexible, and transparent, Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) across regions have had to rethink the timing, visibility, and scope of their audit work. 

IDI is recruiting two long term advisors for SAI Madagascar

Exciting opportunities in a project at SAI Madagascar, launched in collaboration with IDI and with financial support from USAID.  

The IDI SPMR Implementation and Reporting eLearning course is taking place

The IDI SPMR Implementation and Reporting eLearning course is taking place from 1 March to 22 April. Over 60 participants from 10 ASOSAI members will be taking part in this course.

IDI issues statement concerning the Audit Office of the Republic of Cyprus

IDI encourages all parties to create a conducive environment in which the Principles of the Mexico Declaration are honored so that the Audit Office can effectively carry out its role.

IDI seeks visual communications suppliers for its creative design pool

Full details can be found in the Framework Agreement. Deadline for submissions is 15 March 2021.

IDI/CAROSAI SAI PMF Facilitation Programme

The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) will be conducting an eLearning SAI PMF Review workshop from 15 to 26 January 2021.

IDI and PASAI cooperates to support ISSAI based audit of Financial Statements of Governments

In our continuing cooperation with PASAI on IDI-PASAI Financial Statements of Governments (FSG) Audit Initiative, SAIs of Fiji, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, and Vanuatu signed an MoU with PASAI and IDI.

SAI South Sudan's compliance audit manual finalized and key audits in process

The National Audit Chamber (NAC) of South Sudan has developed a Compliance audit manual and kick-started key compliance audits