INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Lesson Learnt Workshop

What did the SAI teams share about the SES initiative that began in 2016?

SAI Leadership and Stakeholder Workshop

SAI Leaders and Stakeholder Meeting on “SAIs making a difference: Auditing the implementation of the SDGs”

IDI KSC Publication

IDI and KSC officially launched IDI KSC Publication of ‘Are Nations Prepared for Implementation: SAI’ insights and recommendations’ in SAI Leaders and Stakeholder Meeting on 22 July 2019 at UN Headquarter New York.

Expert Group Meeting on ISAM

IDI and UNDESA organized three-day expert group meeting for the elaboration of IDI SDGs Audit Model (ISAM) from 24 July to 26 July 2019 at UN Headquarter New York.

SAI Leaders and Stakeholder Meeting

SAI Leaders and Stakeholder Meeting on “SAIs making a difference: Auditing the implementation of the SDGs”

Launching of IDI KSC Publication

IDI Board Member and KSC Chair launch IDI KSC Publication

EU contributes to stronger, transparent and more accountable Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs)

IDI and the EU Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica, signed a grant agreement over EUR 3 million during the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York

UK Department for International Development Supports IDI’s Strategic Plan to Strengthen Supreme Audit Institutions in Developing Countries

On 9th May, the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) signed a three-year grant agreement of £2 million with DFID to fund implementation of the IDI Strategic Plan 2019-23. DFID’s support will contribute to strengthened independence, performance and capacities of Supreme Audit Institutions in developing countries.

ISSAI Performance Audit Handbook Meeting

A team of resource persons from SAI EUA, SAI UK and the PAS Chair is working with IDI to update the IDI Performance Audit Handbook.

SAI South Sudan launched a new five year Strategic Plan

At a ceremony held on the 21st June in Juba, the National Audit Chamber of South Sudan launched its five-year Strategic Plan, 2019–2024.

Training workshop on ISSAI 30 (SAIs code of ethics) implementation in CREFIAF

SAIs from CREFIAF looking inwards to improve their ethical practices.