INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions


2019 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum

Managers Alain Memvuh and Sebastian Gil attended Forum at the OECD headquarters in Paris from the 20-21 of March.

IDI-ASOSAI Facilitation programme

Learn more about the kick-off of the SPMR/SAI PMF facilitation programme for the ASOSAI region.

Audit financier ISSAI - Outil d´évaluation de conformité (iCAT) et Guide – Version-1 (Français)

IDI mondial d'audit financier Bien Público: Disponibilité de l'outil et du guide iCAT.

SAI Leaders and Stakeholders Workshop on Auditing Sustainable Development Goals

This workshop created awareness of SAIs’ role in auditing SDGs as well as the support required in auditing SDGs.

IDI´s Alain Memvuh on Mali TV News

SAIs face considerable challenges in fulfilling their mandates of preventing, detecting and reporting on corruption.

CREFIAF: Audit Planning Workshop

SAIs from CREFIAF finalize their audit plans and launch into the conducting phase for pilot audits to assess the effectiveness of institutional frameworks for fighting corruption.

Stakeholder Strategies Review Workshop

CREFIAF SAIs now have clear strategies on how to work with their stakeholders to enhance their impact.

2019 SOLIDUS Awards

Einar Gørrissen accepts the SOLIDUS Award on behalf of IDI.

IDI SPMR SAI PMF Basic Training Course in Oslo

NEW global SPMR SAI Basic Training

SAI PMF Basic Training Course

SAI PMF Basic Training Course conducted for SAIs participating in the SPMR Initiative in the AFROSAI-E Region.