INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions


Call for expressions of interest for the position of member of the IDI Board

On 19 July 2022, the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) launched a call for expressions of interest for the selection of two new members to the IDI Board.

IDI Board approves plan and budget updates and discusses IDI’s strategic planning

In an online meeting on 27 June, the IDI Board approved IDI’s updates on the operational plan and budget for 2022.

Introducing Learn IDI LMS app

To promote learning on phones and tablets, the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) has introduced a new customised branded app for current users of the IDI Learning Management System (IDI LMS).

IDI SAI Independence team hosts advocacy panels and roundtables at the Hague

IDI’s SAI Independence team attended a number of events and meetings in the Hague in May, discussing the significance of independent SAIs in strong public governance and accountability.

SAIs from AFROSAI-E and EUROSAI regions share their strategic management experiences at the knowledge-sharing workshop in Oslo, 13-17 June 2022

Over the past four years, many SAIs participating in the Strategy, Performance Measurement, and Reporting (SPMR) initiative have achieved significant progress in terms of strategic management.

Supporting SAIs in HR Governance, Diversity & Ethics Management (TOGETHER)

IDI benefits from peer expertise and experience in the TOGETHER iniative

Four Covid-19 related audits completed and annual report presented to the media and citizens: Main highlights of the TANTANA 2021 Annual Performance Report

The first Annual Performance Report (2021) for TANTANA, the capacity development project for the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Madagascar, has been released.

SPMR – Implementation, Monitoring & Reporting Workshop in Yaoundé, Cameroon, 4 -10 Mai 2022

The CREFIAF group of the Strategy, Performance Measurement and Reporting (SPMR) initiative met for their first in-person activity since the COVID-19 pandemic breakout and the subsequent travel restrictions.

Supreme Audit Institutions: Natural Allies to Open Government

The role of SAIs makes them a natural ally to the values that make up the Open Government Partnership (OGP): transparency, citizen participation, inclusion, and accountability.

Helen Clark, IDC GA for SAI Independence, visits IDI HQ in Oslo

May 31, 2022. Right Hon. Helen Clark, INTOSAI Development Cooperation (IDC) Goodwill Ambassador, visited the INTOSAI Development Initiative headquarters in Oslo, Norway.

IDI Conducts Global Webinar on SAI PMF

IDI's SAI PMF Team conducts a SAI PMF Global Webinar on “Building SAI Capacity through SAI PMF".

IDI Board member Helena Lindberg

Meet Ms. Helena Lindberg, IDI board member and Auditor General of Sweden

It's with great pleasure that we feature Ms. Helena Lindberg, IDI board member and Auditor General of Sweden, in our 'Meet the Board' series