INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Audit Review Meeting of IDI-OLACEFS 3i Cooperative Performance Audit on Fighting Against Poverty

The IDI-OLACEFS 3i Cooperative Audit Programme on Performance Audit on Fighting Against Poverty has reached it third stage. The participating SAI teams have completed the audit and went for an audit review meeting in San José Costa Rica from 31 October to 5 November 2016 to discuss their draft audit reports.

Finalisation of Guidance

One of the products of the IDI Auditing SDGs programme is a guidance for SAIs called ‘Auditing Preparedness for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals’.

Audit Review and Planning Meeting

Implementation of ISSAIs in Project Audit Vs Donor Requirement

4th International Integrity Seminar

The State Audit office of Hungary is hosted an  International Integrity Seminar

Call for interest in membership of the Global Call for Proposals Tier 2 Committee

The Tier 2 Committee will include donor and INTOSAI members. Donor members will be the decision makers, while INTOSAI members will be there to provide advice, but will refrain from involvement in funding decisions. Establishment of the GCP Tier 2 Committee is a critical activity for the Cooperation, as all further activities in relation to GCP Tier 2 are dependent upon this

SAI Performance Measurement Framework (SAI PMF) adopted as an official INTOSAI document

It is an honor for the SAI PMF Unit to announce that the SAI Performance Measurement Framework (SAI PMF) has been officially adopted as an INTOSAI document


EUROSAI Magazine issue 22

The latest issue of EUROSAI Magazine is available along with a useful guide.

INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation Newsletter, 1st quarterly update 2017

We invite you to read the latest quarterly newsletter of the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation!

Success Stories

We invite you to explore the Cooperation’s success stories!

Call for capability statements

Call for Submission of Capability Statements from SAIs and INTOSAI Bodies as Providers of Capacity Development Support


Audit Review Meeting of IDI-PASAI 3i Cooperative Audit on Audit of Procurement

The IDI-PASAI 3i Cooperative Audit Programme on Audit of Procurement has reached it third and final stage. The participating SAI teams have completed the audit and came for audit review meeting in Samoa from 15 to 20 December 2016 to discuss their draft audit reports.

ARABOSAI FA planning workshop

In the framework of the 3i programme, IDI is supporting 3 SAIs from ARABOSAI region (Iraq, Palestine and Sudan) in conducting ISSAI Based Pilot Financial Audits..